GNN: Drive-Thru Food Pantry Serves 1000’s in a California Food Desert with Nutritious Groceries (2024)

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by Kathleen Mary Willis

By Andy Corbley, Good News Network, June 12, 2024

In India, those of all faiths occasionally visit the places of worship of the Sikhs to get a delicious taste of ‘Seva,’ the Sikh principle of selfless service when they give out free dinners to anyone who visits.

In California, Sikh organizers are capturing that culture and using it to help residents of Santa Ana—a large food desert where residents struggle to have routine access to nutritious food.

At one of the longest drive-thrus you’ll ever see, volunteers, some with turbans and some without, load up the trunks of cars with 2-weeks worth of produce and groceries—no questions asked.

The organizers, called the Seva Collective, have already handed out 4 million such parcels, but they’re continuing to grow all the time—partnering with farms, businesses, and food banks to distribute as much as possible to those who need it.

“Our goal is to get fresh food, as well as shelf-stable food to every family’s car or cart who comes through the drive,” Bandana Singh, who co-founded Seva Collective alongside Ravin Kohli and Saanand Singh.

“We have cars lined up as early as three or four in the morning—we don’t start the drive till 9:30 a.m. So to us as the volunteer team, it tells us that the need is there and we want to do whatever we can.”

Residents say it’s nutritious, it’s uplifting, it takes away the “dread” and sense of anxiety about having enough real food to feed their families.

But how exactly could anyone live in a ‘food desert’ without Seva’s service?

Food deserts are typified by a wealth of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores that sell ultra-processed foods rich in sugar, salt, and vegetable oils, and a dearth of grocery stores and farmer’s markets.

As a result, Seva puts an emphasis on supplying unprocessed and nutritious food whenever possible—which often means they’re covering vast distances to acquire it.

“When we first started, we were driving to LA downtown food market, we were driving to Central California to pick up citrus—we were kind of all over the place,” said Bandana Singh told CBS News.

Each month, the Seva Collective distributes 60,000 pounds of food to more than 1,200 families and they’re beginning to expand operations to offer books, toys, and clothing as well.

Volunteers come from all backgrounds, but it’s rooted in the teachings of Sikhism: That life is precious, that god has a plan, and that unless you work hard, you won’t come to know what your role in that plan is. Ms. Singh and the squadron of volunteers work hard indeed, and they impart a little bit of this Sikh wisdom into their operations—like on Vaisakhi, the celebration of the formalization of the Sikh religious brotherhood and sisterhood.

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GNN: Drive-Thru Food Pantry Serves 1000’s in a California Food Desert with Nutritious Groceries (2024)


Why are there no supermarkets in food deserts? ›

Grocery store owners avoid opening up shop in food deserts because market research suggests more affluent areas are more profitable. Some common characteristics across food deserts—smaller populations, lower rates of employment, higher rates of poverty—are the same characteristics that scare off retailers.

What qualifies as a food desert? ›

The official USDA definition of a food desert is an area that lacks a grocery store.

Is Santa Ana a food desert? ›

This is the Seva Collective food pantry in Santa Ana, California, a food desert — a geographic area where residents struggle to consistently access nutritious food.

Where are Americans most likely to find a food desert? ›

Food deserts exist in both urban and rural communities. According to Verywell Health, over one-fifth of people living in urban areas and one-third of people in rural areas are in food deserts. In both environments, food deserts limit access to healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

What happens to food not sold in supermarkets? ›

Unpurchased food is donated to food banks and other charities ― in FY 2022, Walmart reported having donated more than 696 million pounds of food in the U.S.

What is the controversy over food deserts? ›

Some researchers criticize the primary focus of current food desert frameworks - lack of retail access - as a one-dimensional over-simplification of food security and access issues that fails to address structural issues to reduce unhealthy food consumption and diet disparities.

How do you know if you live in a food desert? ›

Rural food deserts occur in areas where grocery stores with affordable healthy foods are more than five miles away. The term food desert also includes areas where the goods are priced too high for people to purchase within their budget.

What is the new term for food desert? ›

Many contemporary food justice scholars, advocates, and communities find the term food desert inaccurate, misleading, and harmful. Instead, they advocate for the use of food apartheid because of its ability to address the underlying systems of oppression that have led to the disparities in food security.

Who is most impacted by food deserts? ›

Areas with a large number of minorities, low-income people, and no reliable public transportation are more likely to be food deserts. According to the USDA's most recent food access research report, nearly 40 million Americans live in low-income and low-access areas.

What state has the highest food desert? ›

Alaska has the highest relative share of land area that is classified as a food desert due to much of the state being unpopulated or lowly populated. Many western states such as New Mexico, Colorado, and Washington are among the states with the highest share of area in a food desert.

Is Santa Ana CA wealthy? ›

The per capita income in Santa Ana in 2018 was $27,328, which is lower middle income relative to California and the nation. This equates to an annual income of $109,312 for a family of four. However, Santa Ana contains both very wealthy and poor people as well. Santa Ana is an extremely ethnically-diverse city.

Is Santa Ana expensive? ›

metro area, which is ranked 5 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Santa Ana is estimated to be 150.3% of the national average making it one of the most expensive cities in the US.

What race is most affected by food deserts? ›

Food deserts are areas without grocery stores or other places to buy fresh, healthy foods. Communities that are predominantly Black are more likely to be food deserts.

Where does most US food come from? ›

In fact, in 2016, close to 90% of the food and beverage products consumed in America were produced in the U.S. According to the USDA, in 2021 the top five producing states were California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Minnesota and the leading farm products in the U.S. were cattle, corn, soybeans, milk and other dairy ...

What country buys the most food from the US? ›

Exports to China were the largest share at $33.7 billion, followed by Mexico at $28.2 billion and Canada at $27.9 billion. The European Union trailed behind these numbers at $12.3 billion, slightly overtaking Japan at $12.2 billion.

How far away from a grocery store is a food desert? ›

Rural food deserts occur in areas where grocery stores with affordable healthy foods are more than five miles away. The term food desert also includes areas where the goods are priced too high for people to purchase within their budget.

What really happens when a grocery store opens in a food desert? ›

So when a supermarket opens in a food desert, people don't suddenly go from shopping at an unhealthy convenience store to shopping at the new healthy supermarket. What happens is, people go from shopping at a far-away supermarket to a new supermarket nearby that offers the same types of groceries.

Does a food desert refers to a place where there is no food available? ›

Food deserts are areas where people have limited access to a variety of healthful foods. This may be due to having a limited income or living far away from sources of healthful and affordable food.

Why is there a shortage of food in grocery stores? ›

Grocery store shortages can result from various problems, but they're often related to a change in growing conditions. We've also seen supply chain disruptions occur because of port backups and shortages of other ingredients, as well as manufacturers adjusting their factory production to focus on more popular products.


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.